
Post-Investment Coaching


Benefits of Adapt100
  • Clear identification of new cultural identity.
  • Creates value through high performing team building for future success.
  • Team and individual coaching for cohesive strategy development and goal setting.
  • Develops open and honest communication.
  • Encourages everyone to be included in the process of corporate evolution.

Do you have a clear plan to integrate and motivate your team through a merger or acquisition? Do all your staff behave in sync with your vision and values?

Our Adapt100 coaching program has been designed to ease the process of merging or integrating two organisations. For a successful corporate integration, it is critical to have a well-planned and structured process. Early identification and positioning of the key leadership team is imperative. Aligning that team and ensuring a shared vision and set of values is developed early in the process sets the scene for future success. But plans alone do not capture value.

This is a time of unique opportunity but also of challenge. Value is realised only through the sustained and collective actions of all. Building new teams at all levels with complementary skills and shared values gives the new organisation the opportunity to take full advantage of the benefits of the new investment. The consequences of not managing cultural change post-investment can be devastating and long-lasting.

Investors and senior executives know this and often worry about it. They worry about how the work force will react to the changes and how they can get their teams to work together. Some also worry about how they will be able to lead their people. And then there is the concern about retaining the company’s unique values and sense of identity.

These key issues are the focus of the Adapt100 coaching program. Our coaches provide both 1-1 and team coaching to assist with the process of integration. We also use PAPI™ psychometric testing to ensure the right people are in the right place with the best skill sets for their particular function. Adapt100 also aids the development of a new cultural identity and identify the behaviours necessary to embed the change fully.

Each Adapt100 program is developed as a bespoke product to provide the best fit for the situation. Contact us to find out how we can best assist you.